A Different Time

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Welcome to

Through Novel Time & Distance

and my stop on the Ultimate Blog Tour of

A Different Time by Michael K. Hill,

hosted by TheWriteReadsonTour!


I am so excited to share this review with you all! I just finished this lovely novella this weekend, and it had me shattered! Check out the blurb, the book trailer and my review!

But first…get cozy, grab a brew and then enjoy :)

Here we go:

A Different Time

In 1989 she spoke to the love of her life. In 2019 he answered.

A different Time.jpg

Keith Nolan falls in love with a remarkable young woman from the past, talking to him on a home video she recorded in 1989. To keep their conversation going, he must find more of her tapes, while forces work against them both, and time is running out.

Title: A Different Time

Author: Michael K. Hill

Genre: Fiction / Romance

Paperback: 196 pages

Publishing Date: July 2nd 2019

Publishing House: Independently Published

ISBN: 1099118530 (ISBN13: 9781099118531)

Book Trailer


My Review

She, lives in Visalia, California. ———————————————————————> He, lives in Hoboken, NJ.

She, just finished Highschool. ———————————————————————> He, works in a clerical job.

Her year is 1989. ———————————————————————> His is 2019.

What connects them?

Lindsey lives with her mother after her parent’s divorce. For a lack of financial resources, her mother remarried quickly to give them some stability, but the guy is a scumbag and Lindsey doesn’t care for him much. Not really sure how she will go about pursuing her passion in the arts, she is sort of in slump about her future and hasn’t made real friends yet since their move. Her mother envisions her to study accounting or some such that leads to an orderly profession and keeps tabs on her constantly about it. With a constricting air and no room to breathe, the family dynamics are complicated and difficult.

One day, alone in her room, Lindsey finds herself pulling out a video camera, and starts recording herself:

“My name is Lindsey, “ she said. “I need someone to talk to, and I’ve decided it should be you,” she smiled, as a sense of calm washed over her.”t

Keith has lost his parents in a vehicle accident and rents a little place in Hoboken. He manages fine, but not great. Happiness is simply missing since his parents are gone and he wallows in memories to numb to really move on. Collecting X-Men comic books and adding to his father’s collection the missing issues is his bread and butter. On one of his hunts for more comics, a tape falls into his possession and after some time, he curiously plays it, not knowing what to expect. What he saw took him, by surprise. What he couldn’t forget was her sweet nature and their great conversations. What he had to make happen was a meet-up in her future. What he couldn’t foresee was the inevitable.

“I’ve left you me, Keith. I’ve left you us. Go find it….”

Oh, get those tissue boxes out, this story is a heart jerker!

So, I’ve lived my teens in the ‘80s and I found both characters as well as the surroundings, the interests and lifestyle, etc very relatable. I remember the crazy hair, the music, the tapes, the concerts, and all that fun stuff. Plus it feels like it was just yesterday!!! ;) As a matter of fact, I still keep finding stuff in my closet from back then, and yes…that collection of VHS tapes, I have a few left too! I didn’t think of those things going into the novel, but it all came back to me while reading.

What a sweet romantic story. As much as I want to say that I had this novel figured out, I didn’t. It really quite surprised me. Told in alternate points of view and is easy to follow and builds up tension. I don’t read romance normally, but don’t mind it if it’s part of an overall plot. What drew me to read this book was the time travel aspect of the prospective lovers which was uniquely crafted and would make a sweet movie.

Most overwhelming to me was the ending of the story that wrapped up so heartbreakingly (beautiful!?). Albeit the plot arc, it outdid the overall writing of the novel. Ideally, I would have enjoyed a longer development in the character’s emotions and falling in love with each other, but it must have really ‘zinged’ for them. (Perhaps that’s the best of ways!)

I am a less impressionable person today as when I was at the character’s ages, but I can see the care and thought that went into the writing of it. I wonder what the inspiration for this lovely book was and that ending that turned me into mush!

So, should you read it? YES…it’s lovely. Do yourself a favor and get it!

Enjoy :)

I received a digital copy of this novel for the blogtour in exchange for an honest review. I also purchased the book in support of the author as I often do so when I can.

Thank you.


Author’s Bio

Beginning as a sketch comedy writer for American television, Michael K. Hill progressed to become an internationally published writer of fiction and non-fiction. His short story anthology, Anansi and Beyond, published in 2017, and his debut novel, A Different Time, is available now. He lives in Connecticut with his wife, kids, and 7 rescued animals.

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